Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and The City: The Movie, The Book

***Warning*** The nice girl in me feels the need to tell you that the review below could contain spoilers of the movie. While I am not attempting out give out major plot points, some of it is necessary to get my point across. So if you don't want to know, please, click away now. Ok, enough nice girl, on to the goods...

I admit it. Last night I was one of the crazy girls with tickets to see the first showing of Sex and the City at exactly 12:01 AM. I had to get up early with Little AG this morning, and I got home at 3:30 am, but I didn't care. It was worth it. I LOVED IT. I am a fanatical SATC fan (but really, is anyone not?) and have seen every episode in order, from start to finish, starting at season one, ending at season six. I can't get enough. So, even though the reviewer from the New York Times doesn't agree, I was extremely happy with the movie.

I do feel the need to share with you that I arrived with 3 of my friends in the theater at 11:15ish for a 12:01 movie. We walked right up to the ticket counter and she printed out our pre-paid tickets in 2 seconds flat, and I'm all "maybe it was silly that we got prepaid tickets -- there's no one here". And then we walked upstairs. HELLO! There were women EVERYWHERE. It was sheer madness. We were ushered to the theater where our movie would be shown, and when we walked in I realized that 11:15 was not quite early enough -- there were no seats left except for the really bad ones. NONE. Not even 4 seats between 2 groups of slightly sketchy people. Who waits an HOUR in a stuffy theater for a movie to start? Apparently everyone but us. I swear we were the last group of people to walk through the door.

There were women in large brimmed hats, girls in stiletto heels and fab dresses, and a grand total of 5 men who must have been being blackmailed by the women they were with -- because there is NO WAY that hubby would have gone to a midnight showing of SATC with me. Anyway, my favorite part of the night, besides the movie itself, was when the woman next to us pulled a martini shaker and full-sized martini glass from her purse. She sipped cosmos through most of the movie. Seriously.

Well, today I received my copy of Sex and the City: The Movie and I have to tell you how much I love it. It goes scene by scene through the movie, and almost like a companion storybook, it tells the story of the movie, along with some commentary from the cast and crew. This book is awesome and is a must-have for all of my fellow SATC fans! Its a hardcover edition with 176 pages of pure bliss! Each page is filled with gorgeous color still shots from the movie and little snippets of trivia. I felt like I was watching the movie all over again!

To top it off, there is a section about scenes that didn't make the movie, and a COMPLETE listing of every outfit worn by the fab four in the movie (so that you don't have to scour the internet to find out about that awesome dress that Charlotte was wearing, or the bag that Carrie was carrying). Oh, and for you stalker-like folk, there is a listing of every on-location place used to shoot the film.

Really, this book rocked my world. Hubby will be saddened to know that I spent an hour pouring over it instead of washing clothes or cleaning the kitchen. Your copy of Sex and the City: The Movie is patiently waiting for you at Amazon -- and right now it's on sale for 10 dollars off, making the total price $19.77. So go, now, and grab one!


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the book tips. Cant wait to see the movie but here we have to wait that little bit longer.

Jennifer Noble said...

New to your blog, and have found some fun things - thanks. Also crossing my fingers for that tshirt!

Sarah said...

Well, I must tell you that when this post popped up on my reader and I read the spoiler alert I closed it so fast you would have thought it was a bomb! My girl friends and I could not get together to go see it until this afternoon and I LOVED every second of it! Thanks for the review. I will pick the book up ASAP!

mah-meeee said...

some body PLEASE spoil the ending for me!!!!

i won't be able to make it to the movie anyway, so someone please prevent me from a slow and agonizing wait until dvd!

Kristin said...

You know I thought about reading this when it comes in the mail but I just can't...what to do...

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this book! I had mine pre-ordered a while ago.
I just wanted to say that I think your blog is wonderful!