When I was pregnant for Little AG, a friend of mine dropped off a large and beautifully wrapped package for me, and when I opened it I was so excited to see a very stylish diaper bag that neither myself or hubby would be embarrassed to carry! (This is, of course, the man who won't even stand too close to my purse in a store and was appalled by the idea of having to carry a bag around that was filled with "stuff" for the baby.) That bag was the MotherShip by Fleurville, (Fleurville = "Flower city" en français) and hubby has since become a pro at keeping it fully stocked!
Though they come in different colors, the outside of our MotherShip (aptly named, no?) is a rich brown corduroy covered in an easily cleaned clear waterproof shell that is completely PVC free! The folks at Fleurville use this awesome stuff called "Green-LAM™" which "is created with ®Fleurville’s very environmentally friendly polyurethane laminate Green-LAM™. Green-LAM™ has superior attributes like moisture–repellency, UV-resistance, and overall durability. Most other bag companies use PVC for this application. We don’t." I love that Fleurville is a responsible company who values our environment and sees the importance of preserving it for our children to continue to enjoy as they grow.
The inside of the MotherShip has multiple elastic-topped pockets along the side, that I use to store diapers and hold yummy organic snacks and toys. It comes with it's own clear travel wipes case (which has withstood lots of falls and even being thrown against the wall by Little AG) as well as a removable insulated bottle holder or a wristbag.

I stopped using a purse when I started needing a diaper bag for her (for my sanity, I need everything in one place), and the MotherShip made it easy on me. There are two large side pockets, and I usually shove my cell phone in one side and my keys and a small wallet or a debit card in the other side. There is a carabiner clip on the inside of the bag so that you can clip your keys to it (and don't have to spend 5 minutes pulling everything out looking for them). And frankly, being the "chic" gal that I am, I was sort of relieved that I didn't have to carry a diaper bag that made me look, well, geeky. When I was registering for baby things, I had been pretty disappointed by the lack of fashionable choices for diaper bags. I brought our new beautiful bag with us to the hospital and I regularly get compliments on it.
Hubby initially suggested exchanging the bag for a cheaper one (sometimes he just doesn't get it), but he is sitting next to me

Lastly, you know I am a major supporter of eco-friendly products and environmentally responsible companies, and Fleurville is most definitely one of those companies! Not only that, but when I contacted Fleurville about sponsoring this giveaway, I received an email back almost immediately from Steve Granville, who, along with his wife Catherine, are the founders of the company. This shows me that they are still a family based business and not a gigantic corporation who has fallen out of touch with the needs of their customers.
Check out the awesome "MotherShip" bag by Fleurville. It retails for $150 online at www.fleurville.com. Don't forget to take advantage of their free shipping for orders over $99!
The kind folks at Fleurville are graciously giving away one fabulous "MotherShip" diaper bag to one lucky Chic Shopper Chick reader!
To enter :
- Email me at chicshopperchick (at) gmail (dot) com with "MotherShip" in the subject line. Go check out Fleurville's website and tell me in your email which color MotherShip bag you would choose if you were to win!
- The nice folks at Fleurville would love to send you a follow-up email, however I will never give out your information or email address without your permission, so please let me know in your email if you do not want to be contacted by Fleurville in the future. Your email address will not be sold by Fleurville (or by me) if you do choose to allow contact.
- US entries only.
- For an additional entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and send me the link in a separate email.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my RSS feed and earn another entry! Please let me know that you have subscribed by submitting an email that is separate from your first entry. (PS -- I can track you, so I know if you unsubscribe immediately)
- One extra credit entry per person. Don't forget to send it in a separate email.
- This contest will end April 30th at midnight CST!
Well aren't these adorable! I will get right to sending my email so I can win!
Do I have a baby for the bag...well...no, but I am working on that! Might as well be ready with the bag!
I love the Pink Stripe - Green-LAM™!!! Please pick me!!!
diaper bag will be a great gift for a pregnant co-worker.
Wow. beautiful bag. love to win...will email
Nora Scott-Platt
i'm a pink girl and i just love the pink stripe what a fashion statement
How lovely! Thanks for the chance! The Pink Stripe is awesome
These are so cute
I like the blue. Thanks for the chance.
I love the Botanical Coral bag. I had a mothership bag with my first daughter. We toted it all around China when we went to get her and it was SUPER! Great review.
Hope to win this one for baby #2.
beautiful bags.
I have 2 little one, I would love to win a new diaper bag for ME!!! and them....Please enter me!!! Thanks
These are really nice. I like the Green/Teal one best.
My favorite print is the Tangerine Ogo-Green-LAM.
Please enter my name twice in your drawing.
I have blogged about your giveaway here http://lifessmalltreasures.blogspot.com/2008/04/fleurville-bag-giveaway.html
fcuwow so pretty..emailed ya and signed up google reader...thank you
I haven't splurged on a stylish bag yet - I'm still carrying around my free hospital issue variety! I would LOVE to sport something that I'm not hiding, since it will be a constant accessory for the next 2 years!
I'm pretty partial to the Botanical Azure - Green-LAM right now! Thanks.
LOVE them all, but the Tangerine Ogo is really catching my eye right now. So lovely!
very cute
Grey seedpod!
I have always wanted one of these bags! I am having my baby girl in August, and absolutely love the Botanical Coral bag (PINK WITH FLOWERS)
I really like Grey Seedpod. I was just saying I needed a new bag mine looks like it's been though a warzone
I like the Blossom Redcrane - Green-LAM™
great bags! I would be giving this to a great friend who just had a baby!!
The writer of chicshopperchick.blogspot.com has written a superior article. I got your point and there is nothing to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not disagree with: If it looks complex, it is. I will be back.
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