Last week I had a sweet little surprise for hubby when I showed up wearing this adorable shirt thanks to "From Me Tees". The front of it says "MHR" but on the back shoulder it says "My Husband Rocks".

From*me Tees offers a variety of ways to show your love for your spouse via a cute t-shirt. The one I have is the Retro Pink "My Husband Rocks". I also really like their line of shirts for engaged couples that say "My Wife to Be Rocks" (or "My Husband to Be Rocks" as it may be!). They also sell some, urm, intimate items for Brides-to-Be. I recently went to a lingerie shower and those would have been great gifts -- I especially like the one that says "Something Blue".

Bonus! If you order 2 or more products from From*Me Tees and mention that you saw this product review on Chic Shopper Chick, your shipping costs will be refunded by the next business day!
Win it! From*Me Tees is generously offering to give one Chic Shopper Chick reader one of their Marriage Tees valued at $18 or less! To win, comment on this post with a statement of why your spouse rocks and which product from their website you would choose if you won. You can go to their website to click around and make your decision!
To enter:
- Comment on this post with a statement of why your spouse rocks and which product from their website you would choose if you won. You can go to their website to click around and make your decision!
- Please leave a valid email address if you would like to be contacted if you win. Otherwise, winners are posted here and on Prizey Fetch.
- If the winner does not respond within 72 hours I will choose a different winner.
- US entries only.
- Earn extra credit! Choose one of the following for ONE extra credit entry. Any further attempts to woo me will be disqualified!
- Write about me and send me the link in a separate post.
- Subscribe to my feed and let me know about it in a separate post.
Attention: This contest is now closed! Please click here to see our latest giveaway!
Chocolate Tie Dyed* "My Wife Rocks" Tee for my husband who rocks because he takes care of the kids.
I'd liek the White "He Loves Me, He Love Me a Lot" Daisy Tee. My husband rocks because he fights for our freedom & serves in the U.S. Army. HOOAH!
I like the "He love me lots" shirt. I saw these just before Valentine's Day ( and my 21st anniversary). I wasn't sure if their shirts would be big enough (but I"m getting smaller, so maybe next year).
My hubby rocks because he loves me despite my many faults, he's passionate about his beliefs, and he's an awesome Daddy
I would get the White "He Loves Me a Lot" Fitted Daisy Tee. These shirts are so cute!
My hubby is awesome because once a month he watches the baby and I go out for a Mom's Night Out with the girls.
My husband needs the "My Wife Rocks" in chocolate. Because he would actually wear it! Plus he's a great daddy and he's currently cooking dinner so I can keep the baby asleep in my lap. Nice.
My husband rocks because he always helps me out. He even does house work sometimes and loves me and my flaws. He lets me know I'm beautiful even if I gain a pound or two. I would love the Retro Pink "My Husband Rocks" Tee!
My husband rocks because we have been married for thirty-five years and he is as sweet as he was the day I met him. I would choose the Dark Chocolate My Husband Rocks Fitted Tee if I won. thank you for the contest.
I like the Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Fitted Tee, but I do think the Retro Pink "My Husband Rocks" Fitted Tee is my favorite.
My husband rocks for cooking for us, listening to me, and supporting our family.
These are great shirts how I like they are a bit different to normal. Great find.
Oh my goodness last time I checked their site they only had apparel for married couples and now they have engagement shirts as well! I'd choose the My Husband-to-Be Rocks 3/4 jersey if I were to win!
My husband to be rocks because he always makes me feel beautiful. He's very protective of me and is a passionate daddy. He's super romantic too, he surprised me with my engagement ring this Mother's Day!
Oh crud, I went $1 over. I'd choose the Navy "My Husband-to-Be Rocks" Classic Tee instead =)
my husband rocks because hes such a great husband and father i like the my husband rocks tee in chocolate
I love these tees! I keep trying to win one every chance I get. My favorite is the pink My Husband Rocks tee. He is so kind and good...especially when he does the dishes and surprises me with the laundry done!
I love the daisy fitted tee..he loves me alot because he supports me on everything...from raising a special needs child to career changes
3beez at bellsouth dot net
I like the chocolate My husband rocks shirt. He rocks, because he is way more patient that I can ever even imagine being.
love the retro pink mhr!!
he rocks b/c while i am on the computer right now he is doing the laundry!! he is an awesome daddy and wonderful husband!!
I love the retro pink "My Husband Rocks" shirt, because he really does rock. He loves the weekends because he can get up and fix me breakfast in the mornings. How awesome is that!?
My Wife Rocks in 2xl any color
I like the Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Fitted Tee. And he does rock-he is a rock and roll music fanatic, and he is handsome enough to be a rock star.
I love the idea of these tees! It's fun to tell the world, but I can only imagine the smile on my husbands face when I put on a shirt like this. It's fun to say 'I love you' in different ways. And btw, he rocks because he laughs, tickels and goofs around with me - and always will. We are ourselves around each other, and can act as silly as we want.
I would choose the chocolate 'my husband rocks' fitted tee. laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
My husband rocks because he is fun, generous, and handsome!
I like the Dark Chocolate Tie Dyed "My Husband Rocks" Tee.
My husband rocks tee because he is so good with the kids.
wow i love to try and win a tee as for what my fav would be i dont know? but if i was to win this then i could tell you thanks
I love the 'My husband rocks' in the pink! Today my husband rocks because he bought me a New Kids on the Block CD, even though he thinks they are terrible.
My husband actually rocks the house EVERY DAY!!
My favorite is the pink retro my husband rocks tee for me, because I would be proud to wear it! My husband rocks because he has always put my comfort before his, always works hard, and makes sure I am taken care of emotionally. He's just an awesome person. Thanks for the contest!!!
I would get the Hot Pink "my Husband Rocks" Tie Dye Shirt. Kind of hard to give him a hard time wearing that. I suppose I would have to be nice.
I like the hot pink tie dye My Husband Rocks Shirt!
WOW, I love these, they are too cute and definately sends unwanted flirts the message too! I would definately want the White He Loves me A Lot Daisy fitted tee! My hubby rocks because he's my friend, my lover, my provider, my hero (Proudly serves in the US NAVY), and the greatest step-Dad ever to my 2 boys and he's also soon to be a first time Daddy to our baby girl due in September!
phillipsonlygirl (at) gmail (dot) com
The hot pink "My husband rocks" T-shirt is a must-have for me, because at this moment my husband is watching our two girls, just so that I can surf the Internet and read my People magazine. He rocks!
he is great and always kind .i like the he loves me ,he loves me a lot tee shirt.
My husband rocks because he took our 3 kids camping this weekend and let mom get caught up on her sleep!! He's the best!! I would love to win the "White Tie Dyed "He Loves Me A Lot" Daisy Tee". Because that is the truth! Thanks!
My husband is my best friend
i like the reteo military green my husband rocks fitted tee.
my husband rocks because he was in thge army and served two tours overseas in iraq."brave rifles"( got out because his best friend died by a ied) now he is in college to get a degree in chemestry to support our family. he is now on his senior year and has had a 4.0 every year even though me and our three children hardly let him study.
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com
blogged ya
I like the dark chocolate "My husband rocks" Shirt.
I think Connor's dad needs the "my wife to be rocks.." LOL Cuz I do :)
I blogged you on Prizeatron!
Why does my husband rock? Because he supported my decision to stay home with the kids, even though it meant giving up our lifestyle at the time! I just like the normal "my husband/wife rocks" t-shirts!
I love their White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Fitted Tee. My husband rocks because he loves me despite my flaws.
I like Retro Charcoal "My Wife Rocks" Tee best from the mens', would loves to see My Wife Rocks in navy too!
Well, my husband took all 3 kids, 10, 6 and nearly 1 for a couple of hours to give me a break! He is just a sweetheart and he really rocks!!! I would love to win the retro pink MHR (my husband rocks tee). Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
My husband is stability and common sense. He is such a great balance to my emotional reactions to things. He can see the big picture and helps me see it. He's a rock and I'd choose the Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Tee if I win.
My husband is the sweetest,kindest an most thoughtful man around,I like the My Husband Rocks,in chocolate,he would be proud for me to wear that.
I should like the white daisy "love me/likes me" tee in large ladies cut.
My husband rocks cuz he works all day,doesn't complain,loves to cook AND shop
Happy Memorial Day! My husband just cleaned up our two flower beds and helped me plant our several containers with annuals! He made pancakes for out two sons' breakfasts and just made dinner! Need I say more?! I like the "Athletic Gray"
Tshirt for him! Thanks, Cindi
Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Tee because he is such a great helper at home and I can never thank him enough. katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I like retro pink "my husband rocks"
Mine rocks because he brings me cookies every morning from the corner store that bakes them. Before he goes to work. Hes a good man!
kadia3 at yahoo dot com
Let's see, my hubby rocks because he is great with our girls. He has never been afraid to do any of the dirty work, lol. I like the light blue My wife rocks shirt for him :)
I blogged for a 2nd entry ~
Love the Retro Military Green in M, sinse it was suggested to order big. We are both in the Coast Guard. Lily was born on the 8th. Jon is on leave with me. He goes back Wednesday(sob). He has been loving, gentle, kind, silly,..has pampered me and our beautiful child. This is going to be an awesome journey!
My husband rocks because he really caters to my endless mood swings--and thinks they're cute! I like the retro pink MHR fitted T, size medium.
My husband rocks because: he grills a great burger, he leaves me sweet notes in unexpected places, he bathes the kids while I blog, and he's not bad to look at either!
I like the dark chocolate "My Husband Rocks" fitted tee.
My husbadn rocks because he attempted to fix the washer for me at 11pm last night...just the fact that he knows how to do these things amazes me! I would love this shirt!
Love the "My Husband Rocks" and "My Wife Rocks" shirts. So cool! My hubby rocks because he is patient and kind and is very supportive of everything I do. He works hard and is a great dad and brother too. Thanks for the opportunity.
macawcrazy2002 AT yahoo DOT com
He helped me with the yard work all week long and didn't complain once...I think the White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Fitted Tee says it best.
My husband rocks because he is putting up with me!! I'm a SAHM with our newly adopted Son and I'm ready to adopt again, even though it's a bit crazy right now, HE SUPPORTS ME COMPLETELY!!
I love the: White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Ladies Cut Tee
What girl doesn't love Daisies!
I like the white "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Ladies Cut Tee.
My husband is the best because he takes such good care of both of my kid's and me!
oooh I love this shirt line! Very cute!
I would love to win the White "He Loves Me a Lot" Fitted Daisy Tee. I think it's so cute and girl yet still a wonderful tribute to my hubby. If I don't win, I think I still will buy it anyway!
Thanks for letting us know about a great product
my husband has been amazing in dealing with my depression. i would have to get him the Retro Charcoal "My Wife Rocks" Tee perhaps for father's day.
My hubby is an amazing, hands-on dad and husband who is letting me take a week off of Mommying and Wife-ing to go volunteer with the youth of our church for a week. I'd love to brag about him with a retro pink "My Husband Rocks" tee. Thanks! Erica, gumbi1313 at msn dot com
My husband rocks because he lets me sleep in on the weekends while he tends to the kids and makes breakfast, and because he suggested I go see a double-header of Narnia and Indiana Jones because he knows how much I miss seeing movies in the theater!
Love him!
I would deinitely choose the "Daisy he loves me" cute!
Jamie (jamie [dot] willett [at] charter [dot] net)
Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Tee. He is a college football coach, and even during the season, when he is getting home at 1:00 am in the morning and working 7 days a week, he will find some time during the day to take the kids to give me a little break!
I like the White Daisy Tee with "He Loves Me Alot" I'd love to Win, Win, Win It!!!!
I like the White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Ladies Cut Tee. My husband rocks because he lets me be me without giving me a hard time.
I would choose the Dark Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" tee. My husband rocks because he didn't fuss at all when I quit my job because of the stress and he hasn't pressured me to find another one.
I like the White Tie Dyed "He Loves Me A Lot" Daisy Tee. My hubby rocks because he has welcomed my parents into our household and has spent his vacation and spare time helping them to recover from a tornado.
I like the White "He Loves Me a Lot" fitted Daisy Tee. My husband is great because he love me and because he desires to be a GREAT Dad:)
I like the military MHR one the best - I loves the greens!
Chocolate my husband rocks fitted tee because my husband rocks. He is an increbile husband and father. He makes sure that me and our son, Cody our taken care of and after being together for 5 years he still makes me feel as special as he did the day we met. Right now he is cooking dinner for me because I am tired. I love him so much and would def. where the shirt representing him- because in my eyes... he really does ROCK!!
my husband truly rocks. not only did he play in a rock band back in college, he now serves as a electric guitarist/acoutic guitarist/pianist for our church.
he truly rocks!
chocolate 'my husband rocks' tee in lady's fit.
My husband rocks because he does all of the laundry! I love the white tie dyed "He Love Me A lot" Daisy Tee.
I love the "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy t-shirt, very cute. My husband rocks because for the last 4 months, he has been commuting 2 hours each way and working 12 hour days for me and the kids until we can move closer to his new job.
I definitely like the White Tie Dyed "He Loves Me A Lot" Daisy's really cool. My husband rocks because he still helps around the house even though I'm a SAHM and it's technically mostly "my job." :0)
"He loves me a lot" daisy tee. (He has to, to put up with me.) They are all great though.
DH rocks cause he works,cooks and cleans the house
I like the Retro Pink "My Husband Rocks" Fitted Tee
the ladies cut chocolate My husband rocks tee
My husband rocks because he always stays so calm as I'm loosing my temper.
I like the my husband rocks pink fitted tee. My husband rocks because he is an alll around great husband and father. He does dishes and laudry too!
egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
Retro Pink "My Husband Rocks" Fitted Tee. My husband truly Rocks because he has overcome many health obstacles and is standing strong today because he has so much love and faith in God and a great love for me and our kids!
I love HIM!
(I also wanted to give kudos to the Military wives and their wonderful husbands-thank you for the great sacrifices you make for us all!)
I am a subscriber too! YAY!
I'd like the hot pink "My Husband Rocks" tee in size 2x.
My husband does rock and I've had many people mention that they wish their significant other was more like mine. He cooks great meals (I'm not good at that, so I clean the house). He rubs my feet on an almost daily basis. He listens to my concerns. He's an all around great guy.
I'd pick the Hot Pink Tie Dyed* "My Husband Rocks" Tee. He's a great dad to our seven kids :)
I'd select the white daisy "He loves me a lot" t-shirt. We coordinate some marriage enrichment events & usually do an annual Oldeywed Game...I can so see myself wearing it that night!
My husband rocks because I'd simply be lost without him - he helps me retrace my steps when I misplace something/he's given me back rubs through 3 pregnancies and he makes me watch America's Funniest Home Videos with him, and says he likes to hear me laugh. He rocks my heart!
He rocks because he's mine
He listens and is the best cook; Groom T-Shirt
I would choose the MHR retro green tee. Any guy that can put up with me for 6 years and counting definitely rocks!
I like the chocolate My husband rocks shirt. My hubby rocks because he tells me almost every day how important I am to him!
My husband rocks because he gets up early to take care of our toddler and lets me sleep in! He is also a drummer, so he really rocks! I would love to have the Ladies Chocolate "My Husband Rocks" Tee to proclaim my love for him.
I love that my husband has such wonderful integrity
My husbamd rocks because he is a gem. He goes shopping with me and doesn't complain no matter how long I take. I would choose the RETRO CHARCOAL "MY WIFE ROCKS" TEE
White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Ladies Cut Tee
My husband works hard, is in school and is handy at home. He Rocks and he loves me forever.
my hub busts his as for our family..he is TERRIFIC :)the chocolate My husband rocks shirt
I would like the dark chocolate, My Husband Rocks shirt. This is one of the cases where I do not think I tell him enough how important he is.
Retro Military Green "My Husband Rocks" Tee - My husband rocks because he would make a fool of himself just to keep me happy if he had to! If there is anything I want or need (emotionally or materially) he's got it covered! Thanks for the chance.
My husband rocks because he believes in my dreams - even more than I do.
I like the Dark Chocolate My Husband Rocks Fitted Tee.
I blogged about this contest on my Tuesday Tours column last week:
I heart the Hot Pink Tie Dyed* "My Husband Rocks" Tee xl
After working all night, my husband cooks for me when he gets home (its his hobby) and if I have had a long night with the baby, I can just walk out and come back later, he automatically takes over, he's got my back. Its a good feeling. I like my husband rocks chocolate brown ladies cut tee.
I like the Hot Pink my husband rocks. He does. He took care of me when I had breast cancer 3 different times. Even though I am recovered he brings a cup of tea up to me at the bedside every day even if I dont ask for it. He even took on my tormenting mother and told her to leave me alone after 50 years of emotional and psychological abuse. He is niceto everyone so I know this was not easy for him.
I like the he loves me lots shirt
Retro pink follwed by choc. Tie Dyed "My Wife Rocks". Many Thanks SW
I like the bride and groom tees. My husband rocks for taking care of and supporting our family!
Also, he just brought me a cocoa!
He's very smart and funny. I love the White "He Loves Me a Lot" Daisy Ladies Cut Tee!
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